For some people, the end of winter brings a tear to their eye as skis get placed on shelves for the summer. But for others – like #TeamFBC athlete Roger Carry – the end of winter simply means the beginning of another great adventure…
Roger – who currently calls Calgary home – is no stranger to #FernieStoke, having grown up in Fernie since the ripe age of four. Recently retired from a long and successful career as a ski racing athlete, when he’s not working his 9 to 5 as a Marketing Director for an outerwear company, you can find Roger shredding dirt, snow, and mud with his crew.
A lover of crisp Hit the Deck Hazy IPAs and Campout Pale Ales, Roger became part of #TeamFBC last April, when we launched our first low ABV beer, Finish Line Hazy Pale with Lime.
So grab a pint, kick up your tired legs, and enjoy our fifth #TeamFBC athlete interview.
Photo credits for featured image to: @phillipforsey
FBC: How did this past winter season go for you?
Roger: It was awesome. I wasn’t sure what to expect with the way the world is right now, but I ended up ski touring a ton to avoid the resorts, and got a few trips in.
FBC: What would you say was the highlight of your winter?
Roger: We did a six day trip to the Fairy Meadows hut which was insane. It snowed about 200 centimetres or so while we were out there, it was ridiculous.

FBC: 200 centimetres? Unheard of!
Roger: Okay maybe not 200, but it felt like it! We also toured around Alberta a lot more too, exploring stuff that is close to home but that I’ve overlooked. I used to travel a bit – I lived in Colorado for 5 years – so it’s been a while since I explored Alberta as much as I did this season.
FBC: Have you always been into backcountry skiing, or did you get into it a lot more this year?
Roger: I would say we did a lot more backcountry than usual this year. Usually I’d be in Fernie every other weekend, and this season I cut my resort days down to about a quarter of what I usually do. Almost every weekend I spent time ski touring, which was cool – it was very different.
FBC: Were you into racing a lot more growing up?
Roger: Yeah, my parents bought a place in Fernie and I started skiing when I was around four or five. They put me in the Nancy Greene program at Fernie Alpine Resort, thinking it was a learn to ski/daycare type thing, but I ended up getting fairly seriously into racing. I was on the provincial team and then raced NCAA in the States for four years, and then retired at the end of my time down there but have stayed pretty involved in the sport. The brand I work for now is very much ski racing oriented. It’s kind of been a full life thing.
FBC: Do you miss ski racing?
Roger: Yes and no. My first year when I retired, I was still involved in the industry, shooting photos and videos at races. I think the biggest part I miss is all the people, the community. It’s fun to stay involved for sure.
FBC: When life is normal, do you usually shred at Fernie Alpine Resort?
Roger: Yeah, generally just Fernie. My parents have a place in Fernie and I’ve been going there since I was four years old, so it’s kind of a special place. I gotta stay on their good side so I can keep going up there haha. Plus, summers are hard to beat.
FBC: Speaking of summer, what are you looking forward to come summertime?
Roger: I’m really looking forward to getting back on the mountain bike. The whole crew I ski with is a bunch of ex ski racers, and we’ve all made mountain biking our new passion. So as soon as it dries up I’ll be going out. There are still a few touring missions I have in mind, but as soon as it gets dry, I’ll probably be on the mountain bike. Depending how the summer goes, if there are some local enduros I’ll do those. I’m trying to just take things as they go and see how our world progresses.
Thanks Roger for getting your #FernieStoke on!

To stay in the loop with the latest and greatest of Roger’s adventures, follow his Instagram @roger_carry.